Entries by Dana and Ellen Borowka

Are You Making the Most Out of this Business Time Frame?

By Dana Borowka, MA [dropcaps type=”circle” color=”” background=””]M[/dropcaps]ost individuals and organizations are very concerned over the short term business outlook. Today is the day to look beyond… to look at the many opportunities and the open horizons that can be in store for you and your organization. This is the time to rally the people […]

Are You Getting Full Value from Your System, or Could Your System Use a Re-alignment?

By Ted Margison [dropcaps type=”circle” color=”” background=””]A[/dropcaps] company was considering replacing the three systems they were using to run the business. One system handled financial information, a second handled production and a third handled service calls. The company felt that it would be more productive to consolidate into a single system. The controller, who started with […]


By Ellen Borowka, Nancy Croix & Steven Zuback [dropcaps type=”circle” color=”” background=””]A[/dropcaps]ppreciating life and those around us can be difficult. We get focused on the challenges of the day and the days just fly by! Before we know it, a year has passed and then another and another! A while ago, a friend passed away […]

Fun-Raising: A Key Employee Retention Tool

By Paul Spiegelman Whose job is it to infuse fun in the workplace? And why should I care if my workplace is fun? People need to work not play, right?! Wrong. After 20 years of very hands-on experience, I have become convinced that fun-raising in the workplace is not only essential to alleviating worker stress, […]

Attract the Best Talent by Writing Outrageously Creative Ads

By Barry Deutsch [dropcaps type=”circle” color=”” background=””]I[/dropcaps]f you’re only seeing the bottom third of all possible candidates, that’s who you’ll hire, even if you’re great at using all the other techniques we’ve mentioned, such as defining superior performance or conducting a performance-based interview. As a manager or executive, don’t assume that your current candidate sourcing […]

Sharing Savings from Improvements

By Ravi Patel [dropcaps type=”circle” color=”” background=””]E[/dropcaps]xperience has shown that involving employees in coming up with improvements; empowering them to implement the enhancements; monitoring the results; and sharing in the rewards is a blueprint for success. •  Do you believe in continuous improvement? •  Are you interested in reducing costs, improving productivity or increasing savings […]

Having Problems Finding Qualified Candidates?

By Dana Borowka, MA [dropcaps type=”circle” color=”” background=””]W[/dropcaps]elcome to the 21st Century!  We are hearing from many of our clients, both domestically and globally, that it is getting to be more and more difficult to find qualified candidates. A number of years ago while attending the Milken Global Conference, one of the speakers projected this […]

Economic Slowdown?

By Robert Hougland [dropcaps type=”circle” color=”” background=””]W[/dropcaps]hile some form of economic slowdown may seem possible at times, it is important to occasionally prepare for it. In 2007, the experts varied widely in their opinions of an economic slowdown. A few responsible opinions bear consideration. Interviewed on the KNX Business Hour, Jack Kyser, Chief Economist of the […]

Opportunities Could Be Standing Right In Front of You

By Dana Borowka, MA [dropcaps type=”circle” color=”” background=””]I[/dropcaps]f this topic keeps you up at night, we have some ideas for you to consider and implement so your organization will not only make it through the current state of business but will thrive well into the future! You’ll know by reading this article if your ship […]